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Far infrared type for home use Coffee Bean Roaster

Similar Machine

Currently, roasting machine that automatically control the temperature according to the roasting profile registered in the device is already on the market. For example, it is a PC controlling roasting machine called "The Roast" from Panasonic. But the concept of this devices is different from my proposal. This device is only compatible with the beans that the company sells.

If you get new unknown beans, a professional roaster must find the optimum roasting profile for each bean in advance and register the profile digitally.

You can create different tastes using different cooking methods with the same ingredients. Examples of this are ample in Japanese, Chinese, and French cuisine. This equipment only incorporates the cooks’ recipes requested by the company. Therefore, creating a cooking method that deviates from that person's cooking style is impossible.

It was common to determine the temperature profile for roasting based on the type of beans in the past. However, I heard that Mr. Mamoru Taguchi, who runs Café Bach in Taito-Ku, Tokyo, decided the roasting profile according to the physical characteristics of each bean and won the top crown in the global roasting competition. This is a good example of a different cooking method.

Furthermore, even if the beans are produced on the same farm, the production will change from year to year due to climate change. Will “The Roast” respond to this change? I have a question.